
So… When it comes to introducing my friends to guys I like… I don’t like doing it. I always feel that the guy will like my friend better than me. It started with Travis and Sarah. Travis told me that if he weren’t dating me he would date her. I broke up with him not long after and he goes and asks Sarah out. She said yes. It killed me. Now when I introduce my friends to a guy I like or am dating I get very worried. And it’s happening right now. I have introduced Mr. Black to a friend I met at work. He seems to really be getting along with her. Seeing as Mr. Black and I don’t have an official title, it would be easy for him to go to her. But I should trust him right? I should believe that he won’t. But my past experiences have proven that it’s hard to trust anyone. I don’t know if I trust her either. What if she tries to steal him from me? 

Why do I have such a hard time trusting people? It sucks. 

I don’t want to lose him. I really like him. But she is more on his level when it comes to nerdy than I am… I feel like they have more in common than I do with him. That’s why I’m getting so worried.

Why do I have to have such insecurities? 

Why am I so clingy? 

Why do I have to be this way?

Why can’t I just keep my friends separate from each other? Keep my lives separate. Keep my groups of friends separate. It never ends well when I try to blend them….



So, today is Sarah’s birthday. So I got her a card and put $40 in it and brought it to her. She was happy to see me and gave me a huge hug. She said she was really hoping it wouldn’t really be the end. I’m so happy right now. I needed this. I love her to death. And she said the card was perfect. It said something about how we will always be friends. 🙂

I feel so much better now knowing that things are better between us. Be the bigger man right? I gave her money back, plus some, and made up with her. 🙂 

So now I just have to deal with that guy from work… Hmmm…..

Will my readers help me with something? Please Read!

If someone could tell me why you guys follow my blog, that’d be great. I really want to know. 

Anywho, I think my antidepressants have been out of my system for too long. I don’t feel happy. But I don’t feel depressed either. Just… Dull. 

I also need help with something. I need to write a letter to Sarah. I am going to give her $20 and a letter but I don’t know what to say to her. Any advice? It would help if you read my previous post about what happened. I want to apologize for the way I have been and the way I have made her feel, but I also want her to understand what I’m going through. Well, maybe I should leave that out. Just apologize. 


To start, I want to say that I am very sorry. I never wanted to make you feel used by me. I never meant to use you. If I did, I didn’t realize it. Yes, I do love your dogs. However, I love you. I don’t think you understand. You have been my closest, and sometimes my only friend. You have had many best friends over the years. But I have only ever had one. You. You’re not just my best friend, you’re my sister. 

I have done some shitty things in the past and said things that have hurt you. Just know, it was never intentional. I don’t hate you for your body, I just wish you could see how amazing it is.

I have never pretended to be your friend. I have done my best to always be there for you when you needed it. And I won’t stop now. I understand you are upset with me, but if the time ever comes that you forgive me for my wrongdoings, I will be here. If you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, I’m here. 

I’m sorry I brought up the past so much. The things you said and did. I’m very insecure and I can’t seem to let these things go. If I had realized how much it bothered you I would have stopped. I’m just blind when it comes to other people’s feelings. I guess I can be selfish in that way. 

We’re growing up and growing apart. That is part of life. I just want you to know that the door is still open, and always will be, if you ever want to come back. 

I love you, sis,



So I’ve been thinking… I never saw my parents fight when I was younger. That’s why it was such a surprise when they got a divorce.

But I feel like parents do fight. All of them. Most kids just don’t see it because the parents hide it from them and don’t want the kids to know they are fighting. I always thought my parents were perfect. Never fought, never did anything wrong. Just recently it dawned on me: Every couple has their problems. Every couple fights and goes through shit, but when you become parents, you feel the need to hide it from your kids. Let them think you’re perfect. 

But then, how does that affect your kids’ sense of reality? I feel like it makes kids think that in a good relationship there are never fights. IT’s never a struggle. So what happens when those kids grow up and get into relationships? They fight with their significant other and think that it’s wrong. That they shouldn’t be fighting.

But what makes a good relationship is to be able to make up after a fight. To be able to get through it. No one is perfect. Everyone has problems and everyone fights. You just have to learn to pick your battles and choose who you are willing to make up with and if it is worth it or not.

Even friends fight. I’ve fought with Sarah. We always made up. She is one of my soulmates. Yes, I believe in multiple soulmates. I believe there are different levels. The friend soulmate and the lover soulmate. There are probably more but I’m not sure. Anywho, I’ve also fought with Shelby, but I learned that the fights with her are not worth the times we don’t fight. So I gave up. I don’t want her in my life anymore. 

Fighting is a natural part of life. Animals fight, humans fight. It’s unavoidable. But again, we need to learn to choose our battles. That goes for the human race as a whole as well. 

The Puppysitting Fiasco

So I puppysat for my best friend the other day. She paid me with a pack of smokes and 5 dollars. I left a little early because I was getting tired. I didn’t explain that part to her so this whole drama ensued. For the record, I left $1.04 on her end table.

do you even realize how much I’ve given you in the last year? food, money, cigarettes, weed, holding your pipe for you, driving you, doing you favors… do you realize how many times i waited way too long for you to pay me back? how many times i had to ask, remind you? how many times you never got me back? do you realize how i helped you get a job at my work? and you just shat on that. i gave you an opportunity, putting myself on the line, and you fucking shat on it. no paybacks no gratitude of any kind. you’re rude. you’re unreliable. you take without giving back, like your friends owe you something, like it’s okay to just take from people. i expected you to stay with the dogs until i got off, because that’s what you told me you would do. and then you throw me a text while i’m in the middle of the dinner rush saying ‘oh by the way i’m leaving now’ like that’s ok? like that’s considerate? like that’s responsible? i was panicking about what to do with my babies, when i PAID you to babysit for the night so they would be covered. and you straight up had asked for more money. but you say you’re leaving, so i ask you to leave me the cash change, except apparently you spent it all, cuz you didn’t leave a cent. so don’t get upset that i took back the cigarettes i bought. it is not my fault you don’t have money, and don’t have the thought to earn it from me by doing what i asked of you (you could have said no), it is not my fault if you don’t spend your money wisely, especially when you end up stranded wanting someone to bail you out because you didn’t plan ahead…and you fucking had the nerve to ask me to drive your boyfriend one day when you didn’t have money, like that’s ok?? same old immature, irresponsible Elizabeth. I actually had faith that you’d changed. i helped you get that job and you act like oh woe is me that you don’t have a job or money. maybe you should do a little self reflecting on the people who help you and the attitude you give in return. i thought maybe i’d try again with having you watch the dogs and i feel like such a fucking fool. you stressed me out, you let me down, you showed me i can’t count on you. and you expect pay? you think I owe YOU something? do you realize how many things i’ve let slide? oh, she’ll learn, oh she’ll realize what i’ve done for her, she’ll get me back. but no. instead, disappointment. but honestly i should just be disappointed in my self for giving you too many chances. i do not trust you with my dogs. i heard you didn’t even take their leashes to joey’s. regardless, i will not be asking you any more favors. and i certainly will not be handing out any more cigarettes or money or anything. you can be upset if you like. this is how i feel. if this damages our friendship, fine. honestly, i don’t trust you anymore anyway. and i’m tired of being mooched and used and let down. good day.

okay one last damned thing. don’t be like that. don’t be someone like spiro who says oh i get it i’m just a piece of shit oh i suck yada yada. that’s the least productive thing you could do. no pity parties, you brought this on yourself. what do you do? you learn from it. BE THE FRIEND YOU WANT TO HAVE. and if you wonder why you’re friends with people, you probably aren’t really friends with those people. don’t sell yourself short. i hesitate to say anything because i am done, but damn it all I can give you this last piece of advice. you can take it for nothing if you want. it’s your choice. just like every other action you make. you want things to change, you want to be better, then work on you. honestly you probably should have kept that promise to yourself to be single til your birthday, because you need to focus and work on YOU. stop looking for answers outside yourself and for things to just work out. YOU have to take the steps. good luck, my old friend. i mean that and i mean all the best and i just hope you know that.

My FB post:

Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with these people, but then I remember that I’m too much of a piece of Shit to make new friends. Then they throw that fact back in my face. I get it. I’m nothing but Shit in everybody’s eyes. You don’t have to remind me.

Look, I know im a piece of Shit. That’s why I only have 2 friends. If even. My life is in shambles right now and im trying so Fucking hard to stay positive but it’s so difficult when I keep Fucking Shit up. Then here comes Sarah, who had ALWAYS been a bitch to me my whole life telling me how worthless and shitty I am making me feel even worse. The only reason im friends with her is because she was the only person who could stand me. I’m sick of who I am and I am trying so Fucking hard to just keep a positive outlook on life. I don’t want to be depressed again. I don’t want to be suicidal. It’s just so hard.

Hey hey, she doesn’t think you’re a piece of shit. because you’re not. I mean sometimes your judgement is a tad bit shaky, but you mean good. I know you do. She’s been holding in a lot of things for a long time, you and her have issues to work on just like me and you. and No matter what happens between us all, you shouldn’t let that affect how you see yourself. I know it’s hard and it sucks but everything is going to get better when you least expect it. All you can do is just keep living, so no suicidal thoughts. Talk with sarah, figure out how you both can figure things out. and I’m sure you can make new friends. you always have new friends. What happened to the ones at rainbow alley? and you have that one guy who’s name is escaping me… Alex! right. and you two seem to be getting along good. Things are going to look up, just take what she said into account, and come out better than you were before. She just kind of snapped. she’s been in an interesting mood for the past month lol

I haven’t really been keeping up on my reading schedule like I should… But I did read today and last night and my book is really good. It’s Empire by Orson Scott Card. The same guy who wrote Ender’s Game (Which I also must read before I watch the new movie). I need to keep on a regular schedule so when school comes around I can actually do my work and shit >.> I don’t want to fail. I’m so hard on myself but I need more self-discipline. If I get into a regular reading schedule this summer then I’ll be able to transfer that to study/homework time when school comes.

I saw my “brother” yesterday. That was quite fun. We talked about everything that’s been going on in our lives and then went and smoked hooka. I’ve missed him…

I still need more friends. That’s why I’m so anxious to get back into school. I need to meet now people and have new friends. Ones who share my outlook and have dreams as big as mine. Prefferably ones that don’t smoke weed. I’m still trying to get away from it.

Shelby is now mad at me again. But I don’t seem to really care this time. I’m sick of all her shit and drama she brings into my life. She only cares about herself and only shows up when it’s convenient for her. I don’t need people like that in my life. I want people who help me, not bring me down.

I haven’t really been keeping up on my

Losing the ones I love

Well, I’ve seemed to have pissed off my 2 best friends, who also happen to be the only people I really care about. Fantastic. I speak my mind and people run for the hills. You know the saying, “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”, well I don’t quite believe it any more. My best friend of 14 years has stopped talking to me because of how I handled the situation with my other friend. I do think I could have handled it better but it’s very hard for me to stay under control when I’m passionate about something. Especially when I believe my friend is in a bad situation and refuses to leave it. So I pissed both of them off when I got into a heated argument with her. I feel bad but I just don’t think she is making a wise decision, and my other friend is not helping at all. All she is doing it encouraging it. Not a smart decision either.

I firmly believe I need to make new friends and I can’t wait for the fall semester to start so I can meet new people. But until then, I don’t really know what to do… I can’t hang out with them and there’s not many other people I can see on such a regular basis. I’m trying to make amends and apologize but it will take a while for them to cool off and forgive me. I understand that. I just hate to lose my best friend of 14 years. I’ve always felt like she’d be there for me, even when we drifted away in high school, but now she’s not there and I feel…. Lost?

I hate when I push people away. I didn’t do it on purpose this time though. I just wanted what’s best for her. But she refuses to listen. It makes me sad that she is throwing her life away for this boy. She knows things aren’t working out yet she feels like she needs him right now. She also believes she is going to have kids soon, due to her taro (sp?) card reading. She is fine with the fact that this guy might be the father. Yet she doesn’t want him in her life forever. What she fails to realize is that once she has his child, she will be stuck with him forever. Even if he leaves, she will look at her child and see nothing but him. Also, he may come back years later and try to be in her child’s life, like her own father did.

The whole thing is a terrible, fucked up situation and I wish she could see it.